martedì 12 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Live in Norway (2017)


Jan Garbarek (Saxophon)
Rainer Brüninghaus (Piano)
Yuri Daniel (Bass)
Trilok Gurtu (Percussion)

01 Molde Canticle Part I
02 Molde Canticle Part II
03 Buena Hora, Buenos Vientos
04 Molde Canticle Part IV
05 Medieval
06 Bass Solo
07 Gula Gula
08 Free piece
09 Untitled
10 Encore

Live at Tromø Jazz Festival, Tromsø Cultural Centre, Norway, August 13, 2017
Thanks to livejazzlounge


lunedì 11 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Maijazz (2013)


Jan Garbarek - saxes, flute
Rainer Brüninghaus - piano, keyboards
Yuri Daniel - bass
Trilok Gurtu - drums, percussion, voice

01 Heitor
02 The Creek
03 Yr
04 One goes there alone
05 Stolt oli
06 Tao (bass solo)
07 One version of events
08 Life without balcony
09 Red dust
10 Metamorphosen (piano solo)
11 Pageant
12 La Pasionara - Passage
13 Seven horses (percussion solo)
14 It's high time
15 Mission: To be where I am

Maijazz 2013, Stavanger Konserthus, Norway 2013-05-10


domenica 10 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Ecm session 5 (2013)


Jan Garbarek - saxes, flute
Rainer Brüninghaus - piano, keyboards
Yuri Daniel - bass
Trilok Gurtu - drums, percussion, voice

01 Heitor
02 The creek
03 Yr
04 Praise
05 Stolt oli - Tao (including bass solo) - Nrkvineliet
06 FM eleven - Quwwali - Transformations
07 Bengasi

Rassegna di Rete Due
Tra jazz e nuove musiche 2013/14 – 1.parte
Registrato al Cinema Teatro, Chiasso – 26 novembre 2013


sabato 9 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Palatia (2010)


Jan Garbarek - saxes, flute
Rainer Brüninghaus - piano, keyboards
Yuri Daniel - bass
Trilok Gurtu - drums, percussion, voice

01 Tall Tear Trees
02 Liquid
03 Considering The Snail - Stolt Öli - Transition Bass-Solo
04 Jodphur 1
05 Pygmy Lullaby
06 Qawwali

Klosterruine, Liburg, Palatia Jazz, July 24, 2010, Bad Duerkheim, Germany
Radio SWR2 gigital broadcast recording


venerdì 8 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Quartet - Espoo 2000


Eberhard Weber, bass
Jan Garbarek, saxes
Marilyn Mazur, drums
Rainer Bruninghaus, pianos

01 Intro + bass solo
02 Second piece
03 Third piece + percussion intro
04 Percussion outro
05 Pygmy lullaby

Recorded live at the April Jazz Festival, Espoo Cultural Centre - Espoon Kulttuurikeskus Espoo, Finland


giovedì 7 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Nightstage (1987)


Jan Garbarek, saxophones, flutes
Eberhard Weber, bass
Lars Jansson, keyboards
Nana Vasconcelos, percussion

01 1st Piece
02 A.I.R. - Titel (Bass Solo)
03 The Last Stage Of A Long Journey
04 Tongue Of Secrets
05 Hasta Siempre
06 The Crossing Place
07 5th Piece
08 Gesture / Vozes (Percussion Solo)
09 Paper Nut

Nightstage, Cambridge, MA, September 22, 1987


mercoledì 6 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Live in der Fabrik (1982)


Bill Frisell, guitars
Eberhard Weber, bass
Michael Di Pasqua, drums
Jan Garbarek, saxophones

1. Footprints / Red roof
2. Kite dance
3. The last stage of a long journey
4. Still

Molde, Norway, 1982


martedì 5 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Quartet - Live in Bremen (1971)


Arild Andersen, bass
Jan Garbarek, reeds
Jon Christensen, drums
Terje Rypdal, guitars

01 Song of space
02 Afric pepperbird
03 Fountain of tears
04 Vips
05 Song of space (reprise)
06 Rainbow
07 At Det Var

Registrato il 26 settembre 1971, Stadttheater, Brema
Konzertmitschnitt vom 26. September 1971, Stadttheater, Bremerhaven
Trasmesso Martedì 22 dicembre 2015 - ore 22,05 (NRW)


lunedì 4 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek & The Hilliard Ensemble - The Last Concert (2014)


The Hilliard Ensemble
David James countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump tenor
Steven Harrold tenor
Gordon Jones baritone

Jan Garbarek tenor & soprano saxophone

01 Opening
02 Second
03 Third
04 Fourth
05 Fifth
06 Sixth
07 Seven
08 Sanctus
09 Most Holy Mother of God
10 Procedentem sponsum
11 Se ye faiz dueil
12 Alleluia Nativitas
13 O Ignis Spiritus
14 We are the stars
15 Agnus Dei

Tra jazz e nuove musiche 2014-15
Una coproduzione RSI Rete Due – ECM Records
Registrato alla Chiesa della Collegiata Bellinzona (Svizzera) il 16 ottobre 2014
Trasmesso Domenica 21 dicembre 2014 - ore 21,00 (Rete 2 RSI)


domenica 3 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek / Ralph Towner / John Abercrombie - Molde Concert (1977)


Jan Garbarek: saxophones
Ralph Towner: acoustic and classical guitar
John Abercrombie: electric guitar

01 Yr
02 Krusning
03 Distant Hills

Live at Molde Jazz Festival, Norway, August 2, 1977
Special Thanks to LiveJazzLouge


sabato 2 dicembre 2023

Reflexionen - Remember to remember (1987)

Don Friedman, piano
Joel Allouche, drums
Palle Danielsson, double bass
Urs Leimgruber, saxophones

1. Waves
2. Memory of Scotty
3. Mountain song I
4. Dance
5. Mountain song II

Vinly out of print

Pat Metheny, Dave Holland, Roy Haynes - Live in Japan (1992)

Pat Metheny, guitars
Dave Holland, bass
Roy Haynes, drums

01 H & H
02 Question And Answer
03 Change Of Heart
04 Law Years
05 Farmer's Trust
06 Lonely Woman
07 The Calling
08 All The Things You Are
09 Cantaloupe Island

Shinjuku Kousei Nenkin Hall, Tokyo, Japan, 1992.01.28

Marilyn Mazur's Celestial Circle - JazzFest Bonn (2015)

Josefine Cronholm – Gesang
John Taylor – Klavier
Klavs Hovman – Bass
Marilyn Mazur – Schlagzeug, Rhythmus und Gesang

01 Kilden
02 Antilope Arabesque
03 Worling
04 Your eyes
05 Den bestovlede fugl - Birds in boots
06 Winterspell
07 Ufozil

Registrato al Jazzfest Bonn, 13. Mai 2015, Bundeskunsthalle
Trasmesso Martedì 21 luglio 2015 - ore 21,05 (Deutschlandfunk)

Marilyn Mazur - Spirit cave (2014)

Arve Henriksen, trumpet, vocals, effects
Eivind Aarset, guitars, samples, effects
Jan Bang, soundscapes, effects
Marilyn Mazur, percussion, drums, vocals

01 Opening
02 Improvisation
03 Fiery
04 Suspended
05 Tension
06 Whispered
07 Ending

Registrato il 23 maggio 2014 Elbjazz Club, Hamburg, Elbjazz Festival 2014
Trasmesso Martedì 16 giugno 2015 - ore 20,05 (WDR3)

Marilyn Mazur's Celestial Circle - Live in Sweden (2014)

Marilyn Mazur´s Celestial Circle
John Taylor, piano
Josefine Cronholm, vocals
Anders Jormin, bass
Marilyn Mazur, drums, pecussion

01 Opening
02 Band introduction
03 Among the trees
04 Untitled
05 Unknown
06 Your eyes
07 Track with no title
08 Seventh tune
09 Closing

Registrato il 31 luglio 2014, Ystad Teater (Svezia)
Trasmesso Martedì 26 maggio 2015 - ore 20,30 (P2 Sverige Radio)

Jan Garbarek & Bobo Stenson feat. Kenny Wheeler - Live in Hamburg (1976)


Kenny Wheeler (tp)
Jan Garbarek (reeds)
Bobo Stenson (p)
Palle Danielsson (b)
Jon Christensen (dr)

01 Dansere
02 Improvisation for trumpet & bass
03 Closing

Studio 10/ Funkhaus Hamburg January 23, 1976
This Was The 115. NDR-Jazzworkshop
Broadcast  NDR Info, April 18, 2015
Thanks to


Everyman Band (1982)

David Torn, guitars
Michael Suchorsky, drums
Bruce Yaw, bass
Martin Fogel , saxophones

1. Morals in the Mud (Torn)
2. Japan smiles (Suchorsky)
3. Lonely streets (Fogel)
4. On the spot (Fogel)
5. The Mummy Club (Torn)
6. Nuclear suite (Yaw)
7. Fatt Blatt (Fogel)

Currently unavailable

venerdì 1 dicembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Live in London (2016)


Jan Garbarek (Saxophon)
Rainer Brüninghaus (Piano)
Yuri Daniel (Bass)
Trilok Gurtu (Percussion)

01 Molde Canticle Part I
02 Molde Canticle Part II
03 Buena Hora, Buenos Vientos
04 Molde Canticle Part IV
05 Unknown title
06 Bass Solo
07 Gula Gula
08 Unknown title
09 Unknown title
10 Improvisation
11 Piano Solo
12 Unknown title
13 All those born with wings, 5th piece
14 Percussion Solo
15 Jan & Trilok
16 Unknown title
17 Encore

Live at Royal Royal Festival Hall, London, November 13, 2016
Special thanks to


giovedì 30 novembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Beethovenfest Bonn (2015)


Jan Garbarek (Saxophon)
Rainer Brüninghaus (Piano)
Yuri Daniel (Bass)
Trilok Gurtu (Percussion)

01 One goes there alone
02 Life without balcony
03 Piano solo
04 Red dust
05 Stolt oli
06 Vignette
07 Pondon
08 La Pasionaria
09 Trilok's solo
10 It's high time
11 Paper nut

Trasmesso Martedì 26 e Venerdì 29 gennaio 2016 - ore 21,05 (Deutschlandfunk)
Registrato al Beethovenfest Bonn, Rhein-Sieg-Halle Siegburg, 2 ottobre 2015


mercoledì 29 novembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Live in Chiasso (2007)

Jan Garbarek soprano and tenor saxophone
Manu Katché drums
Rainer Brüninghaus piano, keyboards
Yuri Daniel bass

01 The tall Tear Trees
02 Heitor
03 Paper nut
04 Twelve Moons
05 Rondo Amoroso
06 Milagre Dos Peixes
07 There were Swallows
08 The Reluctant Saxophonist

Recorded Dec. 1, 2007, live at Cinemateatro, Chiasso, Switzerland


martedì 28 novembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Maracuja (2010)


Jan Garbarek - saxes, flute
Rainer Brüninghaus - piano, keyboards
Yuri Daniel - bass
Trilok Gurtu - drums, percussion, voice

01 Tall Trees
02 Liquid
03 Yr
04 Quwwali
05 Once I Dreamt A Tree Upside Down
06 Fuji
07 Maracuja
08 Joik
09 Mission
10 Considering the snail
11 Agnes
12 Solo bass improvisation

Recorded live on January 31, 2010 at the Barbican, London


lunedì 27 novembre 2023

Oregon - Cries and Whispers (1975)


Collin Walcott: tabla, sitar, congas, percussion
Glen Moore: bass
Paul McCandless: oboe, english horn, bass clarinet
Ralph Towner: guitar, 12-string guitar, piano

1. Brujo (05:39)
2. Summer Solstice (13:49)
3. Aheer (09:23)
4. Free Improvisation (07:12)
5. Rainmaker (10:14)
6. Ghost Beads (16:51)
7. Song For A Friend (09:33)
8. Deer Path (09:37)
9. Yet To Be (09:52)
10. Icarus (10:05)

Issued 2023


domenica 26 novembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Mangas Coloradas (1996)


Eberhard Weber bass
Jan Garbarek saxophones
Marilyn Mazur percussion
Rainer Brüninghaus keyboards, piano

01 Mangas Coloradas part 1
02 Mangas Coloradas part 2
03 Mangas Coloradas part 3
04 The Survivor
05 Joron
06 Bönn
07 Giulietta
08 Marilyn Mazur solo
09 Recife
10 Pygmy Lullaby
11 Lillekort

Wien, Stadt theater, Austria, 6 July 1996. Excellent quality FM radio broadcast recording

Artwork by my disappeared friend Chris from UK.


sabato 25 novembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Gesture (1987)


Jan Garbarek - soprano and tenor saxophone, flute
Lars Jansson - keyboards
Eberhard Weber - bass
Nana Vasconcelos - percussion, berimbau, voice

01 All Those Born with Wings - 1st Piece
02 A.I.R.
03 The Companion
04 The Last Stage of a Long Journey
05 Vegen 'Til Mekka
07 Hasta siempre
08 The Crossing Place
09 All Those Born with Wings - 2nd Piece
10 All Those Born with Wings - 4th Piece
11 All Those Born with Wings - 5th Piece
12 Gesture
13 Dansere
14 Paper Nut
15 Mission To Be where I Am

Recorded live Logan Hall, London, 1987-02-04
BBC Radio 3 FM


venerdì 24 novembre 2023

Jan Garbarek Group - Rumori mediterranei (1987)


Jan Garbarek, flutes, saxophones
Eberhard Weber, bass
Lars Jansson, keyboards
Nana Vasconcelos, vocals, percussion, berimbau

01 1st piece
02 A.I.R.
03 The last stage of a long journey
04 Hasta siempre
05 The crossing place
06 5th piece
07 Dansere
08 Gesture
09 Paper nut

Registrato a Roccella Jonica il 25 agosto 1987
Trasmesso da Rai Radio Tre


lunedì 20 novembre 2023

Ralph Towner & John Abercrombie - Interplay (1981)


Ralph Towner: guitar
John Abercrombie: guitar

Set 1
01 Warm-up Improvisation
02 Ralph's Piano Waltz
03 Beneath an Evening Sky
04 Nardis
05 Staircase
06 Untitled Vamp
07 Paramour
08 Nimbus
09 Waterwheel

Set 2
01 Opening Improvisation
02 The Juggler's Etude
03 Child's Play
04 Improvisation
05 The Donkey Jamboree
06 Beneath an Evening Sky
07 Nardis

Live at McCabe’s Guitar Shop, Santa Monica, USA, September 1981


sabato 18 novembre 2023

Enzo Favata - Tra Jazz e nuove musiche (2023)


Enzo Favata; sax soprano, clarinetto basso, soprano bandoneon & live electronics
Pasquale Mirra; vibrafono midi marimba, samplers & live electronics
Fabio Giachino; bass synth live electronics, pianoforte & piano rhodes
Marco Frattini; batteria e samplers

01 Introduzione
02 Fin Fin Siri
03 Piano Solo
04 All Names
05 Script for Bass
06 Vibraphone Solo
07 Oasis
08 Drum Solo
09 Oasis (Reprise)
10 Spoken Interlude
11 Salt Way

Registrato il Cinema teatro di Chiasso il 9 novembre 2023
Trasmesso da RSI Rete Due il 17.11.2023


venerdì 17 novembre 2023

Steve Swallow Quintet - Tra jazz e nuove musiche (2014)

Steve Swallow bass
Chris Cheek tenor sax
Carla Bley Hammond B3
Steve Cardenas guitar
Jorge Rossy drums
01 Bite Your Grandmother
02 Into The Woodwork
03 Maybe so
04 Back in Action
05 Now and now again
06 Grisly Business
07 Unnatural Causes
08 Bend Over Backwards
09 Let's Eat
10 Will I Never
11 Even After
12 Name That Tune
13 William and Mary

Registrato nel pomeriggio di domenica 23 novembre 2014 al Cinema Teatro di Chiasso
Trasmesso Domenica 23 novembre 2014 - ore 21,00 (RSI Rete2)


domenica 5 novembre 2023

Trio de la Sombra - Vehemencia y Ternura (2007)


Vincenzo De Filippo (piano, tromba, filicorno)
Pasquale Lancuba (fisarmonica)
Guerino Taresco (contrabbasso)

1. Vehemencia y ternura
2. Purification y olvido
3. Ultima vez
4. Desde el alma
5. Libertango
6. Milonga de l'angel
7. Oblivion
8. Vacanze romane
9. El choclo
10. Milonga sentimental
11. Malena


venerdì 3 novembre 2023

Quintetto Introverso - Jazz Performance (2007)


Biagio Orlandi
Vincenzo De Filippo
Federico Ferrandina
Alessandro Belli
Daniele Sechi

1. Jazz performance # 01
2. Jazz performance # 02
3. Summertime
4. A piece by Wayne Shorter
5. Jazz performance # 05
6. Jazz performance # 06
7. Jazz performance # 07
8. Jazz performance # 08
9. Jazz performance # 09
10. Jazz performance # 10
11. Jazz performance # 11
12. Jazz performance # 12
13. Jazz performance # 13
14. Jazz performance # 14


giovedì 2 novembre 2023

Dominique Pifarely & François Couturier - Parmajazz Frontiere 2022


violino, Dominique Pifarely
pianoforte, François Couturier

01 What Us? (Pifarely)
02 Les Homme (Pifarely)
03 Lament (J. J. Johnson)
04 Song for Harrison (François Couturier, Dominique Pifarely)
05 My Solitude (Duke Ellington)
06 I Loves You Porgy (George Gershwin)
07 Vague (Pifarely)
08 A nightingale Sun in Mercury Square (Pifarely)
09 La Chanson des vieux amants (Jacques Brel, Gérard Jouannest)
10 Warm Canto (Mal Waldron)

Registrato il 17 settembre 2022 presso la Casa Della Musica, Parma
Trasmesso da Rai Radio Tre il 31 ottobre 2023


mercoledì 1 novembre 2023

Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals feat. Piers Faccini - Live in Rome (2006)

Ben Harper - voce, armonica a bocca e chitarra

The Innocent Crminals:
Juan Nelson - basso e voce
Oliver Francis Charles - batteria
Leon Mobley - percussioni
Michael Ward - chitarra
Jason Yates - tastiere

with special guest: Piers Faccini - chitarra e voce

01 With my own two hands
02 Faded
03 Diamonds on the inside
04 Steal my kisses
05 Medley: I got a woman / Please Don't Talk About Murder While I'm Eating
06 Waiting for you
07 Band introduction
08 Morning Yearning
09 Forgiven
10 Burn one down
11 Black rain pt 1
12 Black rain pt 2
13 Black rain pt 3
14 Wicked man
15 Get It Like You Want It
16 Heart of gold
17 Better way

Registrato dal vivo a Roma, PalaLottomatica, 13 ottobre 2006.
Trasmesso da Rai Radio Uno il 24 novembre 2006

martedì 31 ottobre 2023

Charlie Haden Liberation New Music Orchestra featuring Carla Bley - Umbria Jazz 2005

Ahnee Sharon Freeman, Carla Bley, Charlie Haden, Chris Cheek, Curtis Fowlkes, Joe Daley, Matt Wilson, Michael Rodriguez, Miguel Zenon, Seneca Black, Steve Cardenas, Tony Malaby

1. Not in our name (Charlie Haden)
2. Amazing grace (traditional)
3. This is not America (Bowie, Metheny, Mays)
4. Blue anthem (Carla Bley)
5. America the beautiful medley part I (Coleman, Johnson)
6. America the beautiful medley part II (Coleman, Johnson) including Lift every voice and sing
7. America the beautiful medley part III (Coleman, Johnson) including Skies of America
8. America the beautiful medley part IV (Coleman, Johnson)
9. America the beautiful medley part V (Coleman, Johnson)
10. Goin' Home (From the Largo of the New World Symphony) (Dvoràk)
11. Throughout (Bill Frisell)
12. Adagio (From Adagio for Strings) (Barber)
13. Turn around (Ornette Coleman)


lunedì 30 ottobre 2023

Eugenio Finardi - In concerto (2004)

Vittorio Cosma, piano
Francesco Saverio Porciello, chitarre
Giancarlo Parisi, ance
Alessandro Branca, chitarre
Mario Fadda, chitarre
Massimo Scagliarini, soundscapes
Eugenio Finardi, voce

1. Introduzione
2. Oceano di silenzio (Franco Battiato)
3. The land of plenty (Leonard Cohen)
4. Orleans (David Crosby)
5. Il ritorno di Giuseppe (Fabrizio De André)
6. Arenal (Francesco Saverio Porciello)
7. Halleuljah (Leonard Cohen)
8. Ave Maria fadista (Amalia Rodriguez)
9. Come in uno specchio
10. Intermezzo
11. Le ragazze di Osaka
12. Mezzaluna
13. Oggi ho imparato a volare
14. Amore diverso
15. Dolce Italia

Trasmesso dal vivo da Radio Uno Rai dalla Sala A di via Asiago in Roma il 13 febbraio 2004

domenica 29 ottobre 2023

Gianmaria Testa - La stanza della musica (2012)

Gianmaria Testa, voce e chitarra, si racconta fra canzoni e parole
Nicola Campogrande, acqua

In diretta dalla Sala A di via Asiago, Roma
Trasmesso in diretta da Radio 3 Rai l'8 giugno 2012

01 Intro
02 Nuovo
03 Lasciami andare
04 18mila giorni
05 Conversazione
06 Cordiali saluti
07 Sottosopra
08 Seminatori di grano
09 Forse qualcuno domani
10 Conversazione
11 Il passo e l'incanto
12 Tre quarti
13 Dentro la tasca di un qualunque mattino
14 Un aereoplano a vela
15 Conversazione
16 Ritals
17 Al mercato di Porta Palazzo
18 20 Mila Leghe (In Fondo Al Mare)
19 Conversazione
20 Comete
21 Conversazione
22 Hotel Supramonte
23 Chiusura

Listen here

sabato 28 ottobre 2023

Larry Schneider - So Easy (1988)


David Friedman: vibraphone
Daniel Humair: drums
Henri Texier: bass
Larry Schneider: ten & sop sax
Marc Ducret: guitar

1. F.bus
2. Crystals
3. Be my number two
4. For now
5. Tom's dinner
6. Mac attack
7. So easy


venerdì 27 ottobre 2023

Nils Petter Molvær - Live in Amsterdam (2023)


Nils Petter Molvær: trumpet, electronics

01 Solo in Amsterdam part 1
02 Solo in Amsterdam part 2
03 Solo in Amsterdam part 3
04 Solo in Amsterdam part 4
05 Solo in Amsterdam part 5
06 Solo in Amsterdam part 6
07 Solo in Amsterdam part 7
08 Solo in Amsterdam part 8
09 Solo in Amsterdam part 9
10 Solo in Amsterdam part 10
11 Solo in Amsterdam part 11

Recorded live at Bimhuis, Amsterdam, October 21, 2023

artwork & photo cover by Barabbovich


giovedì 26 ottobre 2023

Pat Metheny group - Live in Chicago (1987)

pat metheny: guitars, g-synth, electric sitar
Lyle mays: piano, synthesizers
steve rodby: acoustic bass, electric bass
paul wertico: drums, percussion
armando marçal: percussion
mark ledford: vocals, guitars, percussion
david blamires : vocals, guitars, percussion

01 The First Circle
02 Last Train Home
03 Are You Going With Me
04 Letter From Home
05 Its Just Talk
06 Band Intros
07 Minuano Six Eight
08 Third Wind

Vic Theatre Chicago 1987


mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023

Patti Smith - Home For The Holiday (1998)


1 Dead City 4:43
2 Dancing Barefoot 5:42
3 Redondo Beach 4:26
4 Don't Say Nothing 7:42
5 Gone Again 5:08
6 My Blakean Year 5:13
7 I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry 2:44
8 Wing 4:59
9 Summer Cannibals 4:15
10 Free Money 4:13
11 About A Boy 10:13
12 Because The Night 3:53
13 People Have The Power 1:48
14 Rockin' In The Free Worls 5:30
15 The Declaration Of Independence/Rock N Roll Nigger/Gloria


martedì 24 ottobre 2023

Peppe Barra - Guerra (2001)

con Antonio Gambardella, Carmelo Columbro, Claudio Di Cataldo, Daniele Parascandolo, Enzo Caruso, Ernesto Vitolo, Faraualla, Francesco Solombrino, Gabin Dabirée, Gianni Perilli, Gino Evangelisti, Giuseppe Fiscale, Ivan Lacagnina, Lino Cannavacciuolo, Luca Canciello, Luciano Russo, Luigi Grima, Luigi Pelosi, Marie Stephane Bernard, Mario Conte, Mario Simeoli, Paolo Del Vecchio, Paolo Traversi, Pasquale Punzo, Pietro Lopopolo, Raffaella Viscardi, Roberto D'Aquino, Sasà Pelosi, Susi Tufano, Tommaso Costagliola, Umberto Cannavacciuolo, Valentina Stella, Vincenzo Ferro, Vladimir Kocaqi, Peppe Barra

1. Oi mare ma'
2. Core nire
3. Barcarola
4. Viandante
5. Ballata del re
6. Ballata del uallarinio
7. Don Raffae'
8. Suonno
9. Canto dei sanfedisti
10. Se dimane je muresse
11. Guerra
12. Escagliento

CD out of print
DL here

lunedì 23 ottobre 2023

Carla Bley & Torino Jazz Orchestra - The Turin Project reloaded (2018)

pianoforte, direzione, Carla Bley
basso elettrico, Steve Swallow

Torino Jazz Orchestra
direzione, sax tenore, Fulvio Albano
sax contralto, Claudio Chiara
sax contralto, sax tenore, Valerio Signetto
sax tenore, Gianni Virone
sax baritono, Helga Plankensteiner
tromboni, Rudi Migliardi, Luca Begonia, Stefano Calcagno, Gianfranco Marchesi
trombe, Fernando Brusco, Silvio Barbara, Vito Giordano, Claudio Corvini
organo Hammond, Fabio Giachino
batteria, Adam Pache

01 Appearing Nightly At The Black Orchid
02 All Fall Down
03 Greasy Gravy
04 Awful Coffee
05 Band Introduction
06 On the Stage in Cages
07 Who Will Rescue You

Tramesso in diretta da Rai Radio Tre sabato 28 aprile 2018 alle 22.30 dalle Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Torino


domenica 22 ottobre 2023

Peppe Barra - In concerto (2003)

con Ivan Lacagnina, Lino Cannavacciuolo, Mario Conte, Paolo Del Vecchio, Sasà Pelosi, Peppe Barra

1. Jesce sole
2. Core nire
3. Aitano
4. Bocca di rosa
5. Oi mare ma'
6. Serenata di Pulicenella
7. Vurria addeventare sorecillo
8. Balocchi e profumi
9. Se dimane je muresse
10. Tarantella maliziosa
11. Guerra - Tammurriata nera
12. Attenti alle donne
13. Le vecchie vergini

CD out of print
DL here

sabato 21 ottobre 2023

Carla Bley & The Lost Chords - Live in London (2009)

Carla Bley (piano)
Andy Sheppard (saxophone)
Steve Swallow (bass)
Billy Drummond (drums)

01 Valse sinistre
02 O holy night
03 Sidewinders in Paradise
04 Awful Coffee
05 The Lost Chords (Parts One, Two and Three)
06 Utviklingssang

Queen Elizabeth Hall, London 17.11.09
Recording by my disappeared master Mel from England.

Front cover & picture by Barabbovich.

venerdì 20 ottobre 2023

Carla Bley trio - Tampere Jazz Happening (2015)

Carla Bley, piano
Steve Swallow, electric bass
Andy Sheppard, saxophones

01 Spoken introduction
02 Naked bridges diving brides
03 Healing power
04 Untitled
05 Sin Fin
06 Potacion de Guaya
07 Camino al volver
08 Closing

Recorded at Tampere Jazz Happenings, 1.11.2015
Trasmesso Domenica 15 maggio 2016 - ore 21,00 (Yle Radio 1)

giovedì 19 ottobre 2023

Carla Bley & Lost Chords featuring Paolo Fresu - Bananas & More. Live in Saltzburg (2007)

Carla Bley, pianoforte;
Steve Swallow, bass elettrico;
Andy Sheppard, sax tenore;
Billy Drummond, batteria;
Paolo Fresu, tromba

01 One banana
02 Two banana
03 Three banana
04 Four
05 Five banana
06 One banana more
07 Rut
08 La Paloma
09 Liver Of Life
10 Death Of Superman - Dream Sequence #1 - Flying

Recorded live at Salzburger JazzHerbst, University of Saltzburg, 28.10.2007. All compositions by Carla Bley
Highly reccommended!!!

mercoledì 18 ottobre 2023

Carla Bley live in France (2009)

Carla Bley - piano
Andy Sheppard - saxophones
Steve Swallow - bass guitar
Billy Drummond - drums

01 Talk
02 Three Blind Mice (I)
03 Three Blind Mice (II)
04 Three Blind Mice (III)
05 Valse Sinistre
06 Sidewinders in Paradise
07 Talk
08 Misterioso
09 Awful Coffee
10 Talk
11 The Lost Chords (I)
12 The Lost Chords (II & III)
13 Utviklingssang

Domaine Pommery, Reims, France (FM), November 18, 2009

martedì 17 ottobre 2023

The Carla Bley Band - Boo to you too (1979)

Carla Bley, piano, organ, composer
Arturo O'Farril, piano, organ
Carlos Ward, alto saxophone
Michael Mantler, trumpet
Gary Windo, tenor saxophone
Vincent Chancey, french horn
Gary Valente, trombone
Earl McIntyre, tuba
D.Sharpe, drums
Steve Swallow, bass
Thomas Ströwsand, tubular bells

01 Michael Naura Introducing the band
02 Floater
03 Ida Lupino
04 Wrong Key Donkey
05 Dreams so real
06 Walking Batterie Woman
07 I'm a mineralist
08 Boo to you too
09 Musique Mecanique III

Trasmesso Venerdì 16 gennaio 2015 - ore 20,04 (Kultur Radio)
Registrato il 4 novembre 1979, Philharmonie

lunedì 16 ottobre 2023

Carla Bley à Salle Pleyel (2010)

Carla Bley, piano;
Paolo Fresu, trompette;
Andy Sheppard, saxophone;
Billy Drummond, batterie;
Steve Swallow, basse

01 Banana quintet - One banana
02 Banana quintet - Two banana
03 Banana quintet - Three banana
04 Banana quintet - Four banana
05 Banana quintet - Five banana
06 Banana quintet - One banana more
07 Rut
08 Vashkar
09 Ad infinitum
10 Death of Superman

à Salle Pleyel, 25/04/10

domenica 15 ottobre 2023

Alessandro Haber - Qualcosa da dichiarare (1999) con brani di Francesco De Gregori

con Alessandro Svampa, Douglas Meakin, Greg Cohen, Lou Cash, Marco Lamarra, Matteo Locasciulli, Mimmo Locasciulli, Paola Feraiorni, Paolo Giovenchi, Rex Canova, Alessandro Haber

1. Insieme a te non ci sto più
2. Qualcosa da dichiarare
3. Appoggiato al bar
4. Il povero amante
5. Il bambino che c'è in me
6. Nel breve spazio in cui non c'è
7. Quando sarai grande
8. La valigia dell'attore
9. Predi quella porta e vai!
10. Uno di noi tre

CD out of print


sabato 14 ottobre 2023

Wolfgang Haffner - JazzBaltica 2018


Wolfgang Haffner, drums
Simon Oslender, piano, fender rhodes
Christopher Dell, vibraphone
Christian Diener, bass

Special Guest:
Nils Landgren, trombone on 6

01 Hippie
02 Tres notas para decir te quiero
03 Spain
04 Concierto de Aranjuez
05 Salinas
06 Silent Way

Concert date: 24.06.2018 | JazzBaltica
