lunedì 24 novembre 2014

Krakatau - Matinale (1994)

Raoul Björkenheim guitars, bass recorder, gong
Jone Takamäki tenor, alto, soprano and bass saxophones, krakaphone, reed flute, wooden flute, bell
Uffe Krokfors double-bass, percussion
Ippe Kätkä drums, gongs, percussion

Unseen Sea Scene
For Bernard Moore
Raging Thirst

Recorded November 1993
ECM 1529

CD out of print
DL here

giovedì 20 novembre 2014


Today is a great day
Musica degradata reaches 100 followers. And the hundreth is a very welcome person, actively present in this blog without her knowledge. Guess who? :-))

Thanks to all of you who are continuing to follow this blog, especially Alan, Fabrizio e Ago.

venerdì 14 novembre 2014

Bobo Stenson Trio - In concert (2008)

Anders Jormin, bass
Jon Falt, drums
Bobo Stenson, piano

 01 El Mayor (Rodríguez)
02 Unknown
03 Music for a While (Purcell)
04 There Comes a Time (Williams)
05 Don's Core Load (Stenson)

Kulturhuset, Hörsalen, Stockholm Sweden 2008

sabato 8 novembre 2014

Karen Mantler's Pet Project (2000)

featuring Arturo O'Farrill, Carla Bley, Eric Mingus, Gary Valente, Hiram Bullock, Karen Mantler, Kato Hideki, Michael Evans, Pablo Calogero, Steven Bernstein

1. My Cat Arnold is Dead
2. A New Pet
3. Wild or Tame
4. Turtles
5. Life is Sheep
6. Go Fish
7. Why not a Bear?
8. Love Birds
9. Shedding
10. Aardvark to Zebra

CD out of print
DL here

venerdì 7 novembre 2014

Gary Burton & friends - Tribute to Milt Jackson (2000)

GARY BURTON vibraphone
JOE LOCKE vibraphone
JAMES MOODY tenor saxophone

1. Good bait (Count Basie) (15:22)
2. All the things you are (O.Hammerstein II, J.Kern) (08:12)
3. Body and soul (Green, Heyman, Sour, Hayton) (12:16)
4. Sweet and lovely (G.Arnheim, H.Tobias, J.Lemare) (12:37)
5. Django (John Lewis) (09:39)
6. Empty cellas (Joe Locke) (03:53)
7. Ohio (Neil Young) (04:18)
8. Yesterdays (Jerome Kern) (07:58)
9. How insensitive (Antonio Carlos Jobim) (04:58)
10. Bag's groove (Milt Jackson)

Registrato dal vivo a Perugia, Teatro Morlacchi, 22 luglio 2000
Trasmesso da Radio Tre Rai il 26.9.2000

password: fenderjazz
(ruba senza citare...)

giovedì 6 novembre 2014

martedì 4 novembre 2014

Claudio Lolli - La terra, la luna e l'abbondanza (2003)

Paolo Capodacqua, chitarre
Claudio Lolli, voce

1. Curva Sud
2. Alla Fine Del Cinema Muto
3. Pinelli
4. Analfabetizzazione
5. Io Ti Faccio Del Male
6. Dita
7. Quando La Morte Avrà
8. Angoscia Metropolitana
9. Borghesia
10. Adriatico

CD out of print
DL here